Monday, September 25, 2017

Voices of the NCSG - Lona Bartlett

Lona Barlett is a talented storyteller, puppeteer, and educator. She is known for her work in schools, libraries, conferences, churches, festivals, and corporate events. Lona's life began in a small Catskill Mountain town where stories float down on each breeze. Her folktales, fairy tales, puppets, and personal stories reflect pieces of her life. You can learn more about Lona from her website.

 Lona is one of the six featured tellers at the Tarheel Tellers Storytelling Festival Nov 3 and 4, 2017. To buy tickets click here.

Check back weekly for more voices of the North Carolina Storytelling Guild. If you enjoy these stories, you're bound to enjoy the Tarheel Tellers Storytelling Festival on November 3 & 4, 2017, at the Andy Griffith Playhouse in Mount Airy, NC.

1 comment:

  1. And that is why I don't eat sausage. When I was a child my grandfather had a sausage machine and his sausage hung up in the back barn area where the tools were capped. So anytime I went into get some gardening tools I got hit in the head by sausages hanging from rafters. I love your delivery.
